Sunday, November 27, 2011

Assessing Meaningful Learning

There are so many ways that technology learning can be assessed and this week we learned about a few of those in class. I think that my favorite way of assessing learning is the rubric. The technology rubric allows students to have an idea of what is expected of them, and what kind of work qualifies for each grade level. The student easily knows that if they meet all the requirements under one level, they will get that grade, and etc. Students have a better idea why they got a certain grade from the teacher, with less confusion. Another form of assessment that we learned about is the clicker assessment tools. This type of tool is probably the most interactive compared to a grading rubric. Students can use the clicker to answer questions, and the information is then processed and can be reviewed by the teacher. This type of assessment is interactive for the learner, and a game like a quiz show can even be incorporated into the curriculum, making learning fun! I like this assessment because the results can be much more confidential for the student while still allowing the teacher to know if the student is grasping the concept. The last form of assessment is Kidspiration, and this is the most interactive of all. Kids can use the computer to create interesting and meaningful ways of strengthening their reading and writing skills.

So,  my reflection of this course so far? I have learned so many interesting and new things that can be used in my classroom! But above all, I have learned that I am not nearly as technically savvy as I thought I was. While I am more than adept at using technology, I can benefit from learning more. I think that this is the most important thing for me to remember as a teacher. Technology is always changing, and therefore I need to constantly prepare myself for this change by learning just as the students do. One of my favorite things about this class is how interactive it has been. I have learned that as a teacher, I can make learning much more interactive for students by incorporating technology. I love the idea of using voice threads to learn about other places on earth, cultures, as well as interacting with said cultures! Making a prezi was interesting, and I can see myself using that in the classroom. I honestly think that I would like to try to use all the technology I learned about this semester. Each technology application can only help me as a teacher to keep my students engaged, and provide a fun and stimulating learning environment.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Technology Application Standards

Technology Foundations: 1st grade Texas TEKS
(2) Foundations. The student uses data input skills appropriate to the task. The student is expected to:
(A) use a variety of input devices such as mouse, keyboard, disk drive, modem, voice/sound recorder, scanner, digital video, CD-ROM, or touch screen;
(B) use proper keyboarding techniques such as correct hand and body positions and smooth and rhythmic keystroke patterns as grade-level appropriate;
(C) demonstrate touch keyboarding techniques for operating the alphabetic, numeric, punctuation, and symbol keys as grade-level appropriate;
(D) produce documents at the keyboard, proofread, and correct errors; and
(E) use language skills including capitalization, punctuation, spelling, word division, and use of numbers and symbols as grade-level appropriate.

Mathematics Grade 1
1.11 (D) use tools such as real objects, manipulatives, and technology to solve problems.
There are so many ways that this tek could be taught. Calculators are one such way, though it would be ideal for the student to manually learn how to solve a math problem. The biggest thing that I can think of when using technology is the Promethean board, as well as the computer. When using the Promethean board, teachers can implement a flip chart for students to use. Students can use it individually or in a whole group setting. In whole group, it would be appropriate for teachers to use the Promethean to write out problems that the group can solve together. Using the computer, teachers can use software such as math games to keep the students engaged. One other form of technology that I believe to be appropriate would be a document camera, where the teacher can show the actual worksheet that is to be completed, and model the problems for the students. There are many ways that this tek could be implemented and these are just a few.

The most important tek is that students develop a foundation for technology in the classroom. At this age, students are still young and while they have had exposure to technology and know a lot, there is still important basic skills that need to be taught. I will make sure that this tek is taught by incorporating technology in the classroom in a meaningful way. Many students learn best by hands on learning, and therefore having the experience is most meaningful. I will make sure that my students all have a chance to work on the computer at least a number of times a week. I will also make sure that the students have time to work on other applications in the classroom such as the promethean board. There are also computer class times that I can sign my class up for, where the student learns about the many aspects of a computer and how to apply their knowledge.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Visualizing with technology and all the learning that comes with it!!

I think that visualizing with technology and technology in general is something that every teacher, student, and person in general should become accustomed to! I love technology!!! With that being said, there are so many ways that technology can be incorporated into the learning environment. I think that technology in the classroom is one of the best assets that a teacher has today. Visualizing with technology allows the student to have a sort of hands on experience with their learning, by using the computer, ipod, or creating a document. The student is in control of the learning he or she is receiving when they take part in such a cool and innovative tool and idea! Kids today are so technologically suavy that it only makes sense that they be taught more about technology in school.
The impact that technology has on learning is endless. There are so many more opportunities that students can take part in when they use technology. How cool is it that you can learn about Peru, log onto google earth and then look it up to see it in real time?? This kind of learning is what students need. Overall, technology only helps to enhance the learning process. Even teachers learn from technology in one way or another! Technology can be a teachers best friend in the learning environment if given the correct opportunity.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Designing with Technologies!

For this extra credit assignment, we looked at the sites, Lego universe, and All three of these sites were interesting. I knew about Lego universe because my son is very much into lego's, however, the other two sites I never knew existed. Lego universe is something that can be incorporated into the classroom and used by teachers everywhere! The site encourages students to use their creative skills to engineer their own creations. This is interesting because it incorporates Lego’s which most children like, but also web design! Children can get exposure to how to design certain things at a young age. In today’s society, this is very important because web design now plays a pivotal role in many aspects of life. Most architectures, scientists, etc. use some form of software that help them to design. Teachers can correlate this site into their science instruction while giving the students the freedom to explore and learn on their own. I really liked the site. There is such a need for mathematicians, scientists and engineers, that having a program such as what this site offers is uplifting! This program allows students to interact with one another, build their team skills, as well as foster their own love and learning by using Lego’s! And the biggest reward is scholarships so that the students can move into the future with the hopes that they will continue to explore their love for these subjects by making it their career choice.
I think that the site that I liked the best was This site can be incorporated at school, as well as explored at home. Not just music teachers can benefit from using the site. It allows students to create their own compositions, learn more about the different types of instruments, as well as music. Research has proven that music helps to promote learning. What a great way to incorporate both music and technology while making it fun for the student. Overall, these sites offer many fun and important skills for students, and teachers can benefit from using them, or at least using some of the information included on the sites.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

P is for... podcasts?

I have learned a lot about pod casts. Before this week, I knew that pod casts were available on iTunes, and that I could download them. However, I never really understood them. I did not realize that the pod casts could be seen! I assumed that pod casts were strictly for listening. It was interesting to learn that anyone anywhere could make their own pod casts! I also did not know that there was a place online that is equivalent to iTunes that allows users to find pod casts, subscribe to them and then have them automatically put into their "queue". Pod casting has so many interesting ways that can be used in the classroom. Students can use iPods while in the classroom to engage in many interactive learning processes! Teachers can record lessons and have students who are struggling listen to the podcast for extra instruction. While this will not replace the one on one instruction the student may need, it can help to extend the learning. Students can also listen to pod casts from around the world and on many different topics, enhancing their learning. For example, if the students are learning about Japan, they can listen to a podcast from Japan. If they are learning science, they can listen to pod casts over that topic. 

Pod casting is similar to many of the web 2.0 tools that we have discussed in this class.  I especially think that it is similar to voice thread. Both of these tools allow the user to record their voice to be played back in another setting. The difference between these two is that pod casts can also be videotaped so that the user sees the person creating the podcast. Blogs are another form of interaction, but typed onto the computer as opposed to being videotaped or voice recorded. All of these are forms of media where the viewer can listen to, or read information that other people have shared. Wiki's on the other hand are meant to be used where anyone can contribute to the content. All of these web 2.0 tools are fun for students to use and engage them in learning. All of these tools also provide an extension to the curriculum and extra or added practice for students.

I currently own an iPod and cannot imagine never having one! I use it in so many ways. Currently I have downloaded ebooks and read them. I mainly use it for listening to music and have also watched music videos on it. I use my iPod with digital downloads of movies and love that I can watch my movie anywhere! I have never used it to view or listen to pod casts, but after learning so much this week, I plan to find one that I like and download it, at least to try it out! I would use my iPod in the classroom setting, and in fact my school currently uses iPods with students. I would use it to allow students to explore pod casts that relate back to the subject that are investigating that week, as well as watch educational videos, and listen to classical music when working. There are just so many things that it can be used for! I think that the advantages of online communication tools is that students can relate to them because they are using them everyday at home. Using online communication tools also opens up a world of learning and it can be very fun for students. A disadvantage to online tools is that some students and educators may view it as replacing instruction, when it should just be an extension to the instruction.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Web 2.0

WOW! Web 2.0 tools are a very neat thing to use in today's education! There is so much learning and collaboration that can be done when using these tools. I have used Wiki before in another class. My classmates and I lived very far from one another and had very different schedules. Using a wiki site allowed us to plan together on our group project without the hassle of trying to tie everyone together with email. This type of tool can be used in the classroom in a similar situation. Groups of students can plan together on the site for group work, teachers can use it to answer questions on homework, as well as involve student input. Using voice thread in the classroom can open many doors for students. It can be a tool for students to collaborate with others, have a voice in their work, and even reach other students far away. Overall, web 2.0 tools are engaging, entertaining for students, and provide a dynamic learning environment that enriches and extends the curriculum.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Copyright and fair use... HUH?!

Wow.. I learned a lot of information from the assignment this week. I always believed that copyright policies were pretty much clear cut and simple. You ask for permission, it is either granted or not granted. If permission is granted, you credit the original author and move on. If permission is denied, you find something else and move on. I was WRONG! I have to say that I am still a little confused with all the new information that I have. I had never really heard of fair use practices before. I knew that in many cases it was permissible to use information for educational purposes, but was unsure if it applied to anything else. The netiquette information I learned was not really new to me. Many chat rooms, and online classes for that matter offer articles and training on proper netiquette. Cyber bullying is very predominant today and is something that teachers should approach diligently with their students.

So, how do I feel about everything that I have learned? More or less.. I am confused! While some information has been cleared up, I am left with more questions. I want to make sure that I am not the type of teacher who does not venture into the world of technology because of my fear of copyright usage. However, on the opposite spectrum, I do not want to be the teacher who just ignores rules all together and sets a bad example for her students. I think that it is a fine line to walk, especially because as a teacher you are a role model. I will continue to research information on the correct practices of fair usage and copyright law. I am excited to see that there are many resources available to teach students about cyber bullying as well as cyber safety. In this day and age, the internet is predominant and it is parents and teachers responsibility to teach students the correct way to take advantage of the technology.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mapping Activity

Before conducting the mapping activity in class, I would just type in google and then manually search for what I was looking for. Sometimes it would be a very quick search, and other times it would take forever because I would have to check out each site in depth. I never really used any other engines. I never realized that there were techniques that could help me to search, and did not even know some of the things that could help me to determine if the information on a site is credible. Many times I would become very frustrated because it just seemed as though there had to be a better way to search, yet I did not know what it was. It was interesting to find that there are sites out there that can help you determine the author of a web site as well. Overall, my experience was not great, time consuming, and sometimes frustrating.

I think that my habits will change significantly when searching thanks to this assignment. I am more comfortable with a number of search engines, such as yahoo and Bing now. I was nervous to try these sites before because I was just used to google. I was aware that many sites do not have correct information posted, or may be from a questionable source. I did not realize that there could be easier ways to determine if information can be used as opposed to painstakingly looking up the information detail by detail. Upon first inspection of the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus site, it could seem to be somewhat credible, especially to a child. However, it is obviously a hoax and just researching information on the site, as well as the author proves as much. Having a wealth of knowledge about searching will help me as a teacher. If I expect for my students to use search engines to research assignments, I myself need to make sure that I have all the correct information needed to teach the students this important skill. I believe that my future students will be better equipped in technology, simply because I, their teacher, will be better informed. 

Overall, I believe that my history with using search engines is very poor. There was a lot of information that I had no clue about. I am sure that many times I may have thought information to come from a credible source, when in reality it was not. By being informed on the proper way to search, how to find credible authors and information, as well as dissecting the site that I am looking for, I can make sure that I am learning correct information as well as sharing correct information.  Being a teacher is a huge responsibility. My students will learn the things that I teach them. In today's fast paced technological society, it is pertinent that I keep myself updated so that I can make sure my students are as well. I can not imagine teaching my students something that is incorrect, or not being able to answer any questions they may have.

Zapato, K. (1998, March 8). Pacific northwest tree octopus. Retrieved from

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Hello everyone. My name is Tabatha Martini. I have two wonderful children who I love with all my heart. I have been married for 12 years, together 13. My husband is my high school sweetheart and has supported my ventures into college life. I do a lot, and everything I do is for them. I am currently on the way to graduating from college in May 2012 with a degree in education, EC-6 generalist certification with sped.. I am also a  teaching assistant in a special education classroom. I love my job, and work mainly with students who are diagnosed with autism.  I use technology everyday in my classroom, from using the computer to pull up curriculum, to doing "circle time" on the Promethean board. I believe that in this day and age it is very important for teachers to incorporate technology into their lessons during the school day. Students need to be introduced to technology at a very young age, because it is now a vital part of our society.

My vision of technology in the classroom is expansive! I think that technology should be incorporated in every way possible. Using ipads to teach a lesson would be something ideal. I could read to my classroom while they followed along on their own ipads, increasing literacy comprehension. This would be a fun way to incorporate technology into group reading. Students could use the classroom computers to conduct research, learn about the world, skype with other students in those places they learn about, use the Promethean board for interactive lessons, ipods to listen to books read aloud during independent reading, read and write pens that read back what the student just wrote, and many many more options. The list is endless. Technology can help students reach their full potential if the teacher has the knowledge and know how to incorporate it correctly. Students can only benefit from such a well rounded education, especially when innovations in technology keep increasing at the current rate.

My goals in the ETEC 424 class are to learn as much as possible about the world of technology when used in conjunction with teaching elementary students, as well as keep an open my mind to any new technology that may seem intimidating. If I have the correct training while getting my degree, I will be able to use this knowledge later when teaching. While I consider myself to be technological savvy in most cases, I know that there is so much that I can learn! Teachers should always continue to strive to gain new knowledge and insight and what better way than incorporating such an innovative field like technology. I hope to be able to use the technology insight I gain, because I learn better when I can actually apply it, and in turn I am able to gain a better understanding of the information presented. Overall, I hope to have fun while learning!