Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Copyright and fair use... HUH?!

Wow.. I learned a lot of information from the assignment this week. I always believed that copyright policies were pretty much clear cut and simple. You ask for permission, it is either granted or not granted. If permission is granted, you credit the original author and move on. If permission is denied, you find something else and move on. I was WRONG! I have to say that I am still a little confused with all the new information that I have. I had never really heard of fair use practices before. I knew that in many cases it was permissible to use information for educational purposes, but was unsure if it applied to anything else. The netiquette information I learned was not really new to me. Many chat rooms, and online classes for that matter offer articles and training on proper netiquette. Cyber bullying is very predominant today and is something that teachers should approach diligently with their students.

So, how do I feel about everything that I have learned? More or less.. I am confused! While some information has been cleared up, I am left with more questions. I want to make sure that I am not the type of teacher who does not venture into the world of technology because of my fear of copyright usage. However, on the opposite spectrum, I do not want to be the teacher who just ignores rules all together and sets a bad example for her students. I think that it is a fine line to walk, especially because as a teacher you are a role model. I will continue to research information on the correct practices of fair usage and copyright law. I am excited to see that there are many resources available to teach students about cyber bullying as well as cyber safety. In this day and age, the internet is predominant and it is parents and teachers responsibility to teach students the correct way to take advantage of the technology.


  1. Why can't the laws be simple? It's okay if you do this, it's not if you do that. The world would run so much smoother if I ran it...hahahaha!

    This assignment has made me think about how I can incorporate a little bit of teaching about copywright laws to my students. I completely see how netiquette can be integrated, but I have never thought about explaining copywright to students. I'm gonna teach elementary, what use will they have with it? Elementary school is the foundation to everything else they learn. So I guess I have got to stop thinking that way. Even a little explanation can implant in a child's mind so that when they hit high school or college, they might remember that little bit of information we gave them and start building on it from there!

  2. Lisa,
    LOL! I have to say, you have a point about the world being ran smoother and things not being simple. ;)
    I too had never thought about teaching copyright to students, however, it makes so much sense! If we are expected to know the information, and our students use technology, then why shouldnt they know it as well? I like that you said "even a little explanation can implant in a child's mind" that is a wonderful way to look at it! :)
